Month: December 2012

December 20, 2012

Fuel Remedy

The Total Power group of companies is pleased to announce the acquisition of Fuel Remedy Inc. Fuel Remedy is an end-to-end diesel fuel maintenance solutions company providing diesel fuel polishing, diesel fuel testing, diesel fuel storage tank removal and installation, and complete fuel system inspection by TSSA-certified technicians. To learn more check out Feel free to call Total Power with any questions regarding…

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December 17, 2012

“The Backup Crew”

Total Power Limited is featured in the December issue of Canadian Builder’s Quarterly. This article focuses on the importance of reliability and security with multiple generator units. If you have any questions about backup power and reliability please give us a call at 888-870-9152. Let Total Power met your critical power needs!

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December 6, 2012

Stand by me: Why you’re backup generator needs great service

No matter what type of company you work for or run, there’s one thing every company needs….POWER.  Losing power for even a few hours can mean thousands of dollars in lost revenue and product.  Security systems go down, refrigerated goods spoil, customers are turned away, computer systems go down and production lines stop.  If your company is like many others, you…

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